Koeleria: chiave da Flora Europea

confronti fra specie simili e chiavi dicotomiche
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Iscritto il: 20 dic 2008, 19:50
Nome: Severino
Cognome: Costalonga
Residenza(Prov): Sacile (PN)

Koeleria: chiave da Flora Europea

Messaggio da Severino »

Ritengo utile per i botanici del forum trascrivere la chiave per il genere Koeleria di C.J. Humphries in Flora Europaea, Vol. 5:218,1980.

Literature: K. Domin, Biblioth. Bot. (Stuttgart) 65: 1-354 (1907). J. Ujhelyi in G. Vida (ed.), Evolution in Plants (Symposia biologica hungarica 12) 163-176. Budapest. 1972.

1 Basal leaf-sheaths reticulately fibrous
2 Old leaf-sheaths breaking down into a tight mass of veins ....... 1. vallesiana
2 Old leaf-sheaths persistent, laxly imbricate ............ (5-13). macrantha group
1 Basal leaf-sheaths not reticulately fibrous
3 Glumes of central spikelets ± equal
4 Spikelets glabrous, sometimes scabrid ........................................... 2. cenisia
4 Spikelets hirsute
5 Plant densely caespitose, without creeping rhizomes;
old leaf-sheaths tightly imbricate, forming a tuberous
base to the stem ................................................................................ 3. hirsuta
5 Plant laxly caespitose, with short, creeping rhizomes;
old leaf-sheaths loosely imbricate, not forming a
tuberous base to the stem ................................................................ 4. asiatica *
3 Glumes of central spikelets distinctly unequal
6 Lemma unawned, glabrous to slightly pubescent ... (5-13). macrantha group
6 Lemma awned, densely hirsute
7 Plants densely caespitose; stems tuberous at the base .................... 3. hirsuta

(5-13). K. macrantha group. Laxly or densely caespitose. Stems bulbous or rhizomatous at the base. Old leaf-sheaths loosely imbricate, usually corrugated, with parallel or rarely reticulate venation.

This group is a complex that is very imperfectly understood; a great deal of variation occurs as a result of polyploidy and adaptation to a wide range of ecological conditions. Many populations, which may represent only ecotypes and variants of different ploidy-levels, have variously and inconsistently been given specific, subspecific and varietal rank. From the limited data available there is little evidence to uphold these taxa and correlate chromosome-number with morphology. Consequently, the species recognized in this aggregate are based entirely on morphology, and therefore may still only represent minor taxa. Until their true relationships can be worked out from detailed population-studies and cytogenetic analyses the treatment must remain provisional.

1 Laxly caespitose; stems slender at the base; leaves usually not glaucous
2 Spikelets 6-8 mm
3 Spikelets glabrous .................................................................. 13. pyramidata
3 Spikelets pubescent ............................................................... 12. eriostachya
2 Spikelets less than 6 mm
4 Leaves of non-flowering shoots usually convolute,
densely silvery-scabrid .................................................................... 6. glauca *
4 Leaves of non-flowering shoots flat or plicate,
slightly scabrid or smooth above
5 Upper glume ovate to ovate-lanceolate, with narrow
hyaline margin; lemma herbaceous ........................................... 5. macrantha
5 Upper glume lanceolate, with wide hyaline margin; lemma
membranous ................................................................................. 11. nitidula *
1 Densely caespitose, stems somewhat bulbous at the base;
leaves usually glaucous
6 Leaves flaccid .............................................................................. 11. nitidula *
6 Leaves rigid
7 Panicle not more than 25 mm
8 Lemma with an awn up to 0•5 mm; glumes acuminate ................... 7. lobata *
8 Lemma unawned; glumes acute ................................................ 10. crassipes *
7 Panicle more than 25 mm
9 Spikelets (4-)6-8 mm ................................................................. 8. splendens
9 Spikelets 3-5•5 mm
10 Spikelets distinctly pedicellate; glumes linear-lanceolate ............ 6. glauca *
10 Spikelets ± sessile; glumes obovate
11 Stems at least 45 cm; inflorescence usually more than
80 mm, interrupted below; anthers 1•2-1•6 mm ............................ 9. caudata *
11 Stems usually less than 30 cm; inflorescence usually
less than 50 mm, not interrupted; anthers 1•5-2•5 mm ............. 10. crassipes *

Le specie con * non vengono indicate per l’ Italia.

Trascrivo anche, scansionata ed elaborata con il programma OCR riconosc. dei caratteri OmniPage SE, la chiave di Brullo & C. per il gruppo di K. splendens pubblicata in Plant Biosyst.. Se qualcuno la traducesse in italiano potrebbe essere inserita nel forum ad accesso libero chiedendo ovviamente il permesso agli autori o alla Soc. Bot. It. detentori del copyright. Per l’ uso di questa chiave direi quasi indispensabile fare riferimento ai minuziosi disegni delle quattro pagine iconografiche di cui ne allego uno stralcio dimostrativo.

La chiave di Plant. Biosyst. 143(1):159,2009:

Identification keys for the Italian taxa (including K. lobata) belonging to the Koeleria splendens group:
1. Panicle 4-15 cm long........ ...... .......................2
1. Panicle 2-4(5) cm long ............................. .....8
2. Spikelet 7-9 mm long ....................................3
2. Spikelet 4-7(7.5) mm long ............................. 6
3. Leaves glabrous; lower glume 4-5 mm long; upper glume 5.8-6 mm long, 1.5-3 mm shorter than spikelet; lemma 5-6 mm long; anther 2.4¬-2.5 mm long.............K splendens subsp. brutia

3. Leaves pubescent at least on the blade; lower glume 5.5-6.5 mm long; upper glume 8.5 mm long, subequalling the spikelet or max. 1 mm shorter; lemma 6-7.5 mm long; anther 2.7-3.5 mm long ...4
4. Ligule semilunar, 1.3-1.5 mm wide with lateral cilia 0.8-1 mm long; basal leaf blade with cilia 0.8-1.5 mm long at margin; leaf sheath densely pubescent on the back with hairs 0.5-0.8 mm long; spikelets 2-flower.... K. splendens subsp. ophiolithica
4. Ligule rounded or auriculate. 0.3-0.6 mm wide, with lateral cilia max. 0.-1 mm long; basal leaf blade with cilia 0.2-0.7 mm long at margin; leaf sheath glabrous or pubescent on the back with hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long; spikelets 3-flowers......................... 5
5. Panicle 5-8 mm wide; ligule rounded. with cilia 0.1 mm long; leaf sheath glabrous, with margin glabrous; lower glume 1-1.2 mm wide; upper glume 1.5-2.5 mm wide; lemma 6-6.5 mm long; lodicules with lobes subequal, one trian¬gular-acuminate and the other rectangular; anther 2.7-3 mm long.....
K. splendens subsp. splendens
5. Panicle 8-10 mm wide, ligule auriculate, with cilia up to 0.5 mm long; leaf sheath pubescent on the back, with margin densely ciliate; lower glume 2.5-3.5 mm wide; upper glume 2.6-3 mm wide; lemma 6.5-7.5 mm long; lodicules with lobes unequal, triangular; anther 3.2-3.5 mm long .......... ....
K. splendens subsp. grandiflora
6. Panicle 3-5 mm wide, spikelet 4-5.5 mm long; lower glume 3-3.5 mm long; upper glume 4-4.5 mm long; lemma 4-4.5 mm long............ K subcaudata
6. Panicle 7-12 mm wide; spikelet 6-7(7.5) mm long; lower glume 4-6 mm long; upper glume 5-7 mm long; lemma 4.8-6 mm long .... ......... 7

7. Scape max. 50 cm tall; basal leaves with blade completely pubescent; leaf sheath pubescent on the back, minutely ciliate at margin with cilia 0.1 mm long; cauline leaves with blade 2.5¬7 cm long; ligule semilunar, 1.5-1.6 mm wide; panicle compact; glumes subequal, 5-6 mm long; lodicules 0.8-1 mm long with lobes unequal; anther 2.5-2.7 mm long..... K. lucana
7. Scape max. 80 cm tall; basal leaves with blade only ventrally pubescent; leaf sheath glabrous, ciliate at margin with cilia 0.2-0.4 mm long; cauline leaves with blade 5-20 cm long; ligule rounded, 0.5-1 mm wide; panicle lobed and interrupted at least below; glumes unequal, lower one 4-4.5 mm long and upper one 6-7 mm long; lodicules 0.6-0.7 mm long, with lobes subequal; anther 2-2.3 mm long............................................ K. insubrica
8. Scape max. 25 cm tall; spikelets with glumes and lemma more or less pubescent on the back and long ciliate on the keel; anther 3.2-3.5 mm long................. K. australis
8. Scape max. 45 cm tall; spikelets with glumes and lemma glabrous and shortly denticulate on the keel; anther 1.8-2.6 mm long ......................... 9
9. Leaf blade and sheath long ciliate at margin with cilia 0.3-1.5 mm long; basal leaves with blade 2.5-3 mm wide; panicle 8-12 mm wide; spike¬lets 2-flowers, 6.5-7.5 mm long; lower glume 5¬5.5 mm long and 1-1.3 mm wide; upper glume 6-6.5 mm long; lemma 5.5-6.5 mm long; lodicules 1-1.2 mm long; anther 2.5-2.6 mm long ................................................. K callieri
9. Leaf blade and sheath shortly ciliate at margin with cilia 0.05 mm long; basal leaves with blade 1.4-1.6 mm wide; panicle 5-8 mm wide; spikelets 3-flowers, 5-6 mm long; lower glume 2.5-3 mm long and 0.7-0.8 mm wide; upper glume 3.5-4 mm long; lemma 4.5-5 mm long; lodicules 0.7-0.8 mm long; anther 1.8-2 mm long................................................. K. lobata
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Messaggi: 8213
Iscritto il: 24 apr 2008, 10:05
Nome: Davide
Cognome: Tomasi
Residenza(Prov): Cornedo Vicentino (VI)
Località: Cornedo Vicentino (VI)

Re: Koeleria: chiave da Flora Europea

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