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Allium polyanthum Schult. & Schult.f.

Inviato: 04 mag 2018, 16:10
da MaltaWildPlants
Allium polyanthum Schult. & Schult. f.
Amaryllidaceae: Aglio polianto
Marina di, Modica (RG), 3 m, apr 2018
Foto di Stephen Mifsud

L'ho gia riportata da Arizza dalla Scilia sud, in una publicazione su Flora Mediterranea mentre lo confermo anche in Marina di Modica sulle sabbie disturbate. Ho osservato una ventina di esemplari. Forse anche ibridi con il commutatum!

Re: Allium polyanthum Schult. & Schult. f.

Inviato: 06 mag 2018, 18:03
da Umberto Ferrando
I would say that the presence of Allium polyanthum Schult. & Schult. f. in Italy has been known for some years. In IPFI it is referred to as Allium porrum L. subsp. polyanthum (Schult. & Schult. f.) Jauzein & J.-M. Tison, but the specific rank has recently been reintroduced. A large part of the plants that grows in urbanized areas can be attributed to this species, not only in Sicily and in Southern Italy but also in the Center and in some zones of the North.
