Ibridi di Prunella

confronti fra specie simili e chiavi dicotomiche
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Daniela Longo
Messaggi: 16084
Iscritto il: 22 nov 2007, 12:57
Nome: Daniela
Cognome: Longo
Residenza(Prov): Genova (GE)

Ibridi di Prunella

Messaggio da Daniela Longo »

Un bell'articolo con le chiavi per riconoscere i più comuni ibridi tra le specie del genere Prunella.

Grazie Davide.
http://www.actaplantarum.org/download/P ... l_2009.pdf

Ecco due estratti dal testo.
I principali caratteri
The most evident characters of the Prunella hybrids are as follows (Hegi, 1927; Hrouda, 2000):
P. x dissecta (P. grandiflora x P. laciniata) differs from typical P. grandiflora by usually pinnatifid cauline leaves, stronger hairiness and often smaller flowers, and from typical P. laciniata by weaker hairiness, violet corolla and higher habitus (Fig. 2).
P. x intermedia (P. laciniata x P. vulgaris) differs from typical P. laciniata by weaker hairiness and more or less violet-blue corolla, and from typical P. vulgaris by stronger hairiness and usually pinnatifid upper leaves (Fig. 3).
P. x spuria (P. grandiflora x P. vulgaris) looks very similar to typical P. grandi- flora, but has inflorescence either subtended by leaves or on very short stalk and smaller flowers. The recognition of this hybrid is the most complicated and probably therefore it is not recorded for the flora of Croatia. The misidentification either as P. grandiflora or P. vulgaris is quite possible.
La chiave
1 Inflorescence not subtended by the first pair of leaves 2
1 Inflorescence subtended by the first pair of leaves 4
2 At least the upper leaves pinnatifid or lobed, corolla violet, pink, or combination of pink upper lip and yellowish lower lip
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P x dissecta (P. grandiflora x P. laciniata)
2 Leaves entire, corolla violet 3
3 Corolla 2 – 2,5 cm long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. grandiflora
3 Corolla 1,5 – 2 cm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. x spuria (P. grandiflora x P. vulgaris)
4 Stem and leaves ± densely white pubescent, flowers yellowish . . . . . . . . P. laciniata
4 Stem and leaves glabrous or sparsely pubescent, flowers violet, pink or pink yellowish 5
5 At least upper leaves pinnatifid, flowers pink or pink yellowish
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. x intermedia (P. laciniata x P. vulgaris)
5 All leaves entire, flowers violet 6
6 Corolla not more then 1,5 cm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. vulgaris
6 Corolla 1,5–2 cm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. x spuria (P. grandiflora x P. vulgaris)
... vediamo un po’ come fiorisci,
come ti apri, di che colore hai i petali,
quanti pistilli hai, che trucchi usi
per spargere il tuo polline e ripeterti,
se hai fioritura languida o violenta,
che portamento prendi, dove inclini,
... (Patrizia Cavalli)

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